About Me

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"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Fever

Photo of the Day

Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm crazy when they see me laying on my stomach in the dirt to take a picture of some weeds.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Next Stop: Easter Island

More "April Showers," 
but a perfect day for coloring eggs and making bunny cupcakes!
So sparkly!
So cute!

Easter Sunday is in 8 days!
To be honest, I'm pretty darn excited for the food.
Deviled eggs, roasted potatoes and baby artichokes, asparagus salad, and last but not least, ham.
Can you say delish? I can.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Destination: China

Foreign travel documents, visa application, flight verification, immunization records.
Thirty two pages later, and I'm one step closer to being in China.
I have been accepted to teach English with the International Language Program this Fall.
I get to teach adorable little Chinese kids for five months!
I'm so excited to pursue this opportunity of a lifetime and I cannot wait!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Ah, Spring!
       Budding blossoms, babies, and new beginnings.
 Green grass, giddy school girls, and gardening with Grandma. 
Who doesn't love this time of the year?!

Today I woke up to dark clouds and a "chance of precipitation,"
so I slipped on my zebra print rainboots and hoped for some puddles to splash in.
Yes, I am a college student but sometimes I just have to act like a kid!
I would go crazy (perhaps crazier) if I didn't.
But now that I've finished my first year studying photography at BYU-I, I have a bit more free time.  What better way to spend my rainy day than to start up a blog!